What Agreements Were Made at the Constitutional Convention of 1787

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 marked a turning point in American history, as it served as the venue for the creation of the US Constitution. During this historic gathering, the founding fathers came together to draft a document that would serve as the foundation for the American government and provide a blueprint for the nation`s future.

Over the course of the convention, a number of key agreements were made. Perhaps the most significant of these was the decision to create a strong federal government with three separate branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. This system of checks and balances was designed to ensure that no one branch of government could become too powerful, while also allowing for efficient decision-making and effective governance.

Another important agreement reached at the convention was the decision to establish a bicameral legislature, with the House of Representatives and the Senate representing the people and the states, respectively. This system was intended to balance the interests of large and small states, while also providing a mechanism for the public to have a say in government affairs.

In addition to these foundational agreements, the founding fathers also established a number of other important provisions in the Constitution. These included the establishment of a national judiciary, the creation of a system for electing the president, and the enshrinement of individual rights and freedoms in the Bill of Rights.

Of course, not all of the agreements made at the convention were universally accepted. There were heated debates and disagreements over issues such as slavery, voting rights, and state sovereignty. However, despite these differences, the delegates ultimately managed to come together and create a document that has stood the test of time and remains the cornerstone of American democracy today.

In conclusion, the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was a pivotal moment in American history, one that saw the creation of a powerful federal government with a system of checks and balances, a bicameral legislature, and a host of other vital provisions. While there were certainly disagreements and debates, the delegates ultimately managed to come together and create a document that has guided our nation for over two centuries.